Our Annual Meeting 2023

June 4th, 2023


Annual Report Slideshow: Click here


Approved budget: Click here







June 4th, 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes


12:15pm – Annual Meeting Opens


The planned agenda is:

    • Welcoming
      • Slideshow of year’s events and committee accomplishments
    • Overview of WHUUF’s year
      • Must count members to establish a quorum – 30 people or 20% of members in Breeze (26) – whichever is less. 
      • We have a quorum. 34 members are in attendance in person and via zoom as counted by Howard Baldwin and Mary Usui. 
        • [By the end of the meeting, four additional members had joined.]
    • Review of Covenant of Right Relations
      • Practice civility, empathy, and compassion in listening and speaking.
      • Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of others, whether staff or volunteer.
      • Seek to understand another’s point of view when differences arise. Listen deeply and speak directly with respect and kindness. 
      • Address the merits of issues rather than perceived shortcomings of individuals.
      • Avoid interrupting
    • Board Overview of 2022-23
      • Recognition of current board
      • Board continually approved and revised policies re COVID-19
      • Board asked the COM to lead congressional listening sessions about COVID-19
      • Approved WHUUF’s online delegates to the UUA general Assembly: Gary Joaquin, Bob McArthur, Merridy McDaniel.
      • Updated bereavement policy for staff
      • Improved endorsement of Measure 114 re gun safety
      • Approved Scott Winters as affiliated community minister
      • Revised inclement weather closing policy
      • Approved sponsoring Sara Blackthorne’s entering into the ministry credentialing program.
      • Approved Finance Committee’s proposed budget for the Annual Meeting on June 4th, 2023.
    • Explanation of voting process
      • Voting will NOT take place in the live meeting
      • After the meeting has ended, we will use our fellowship’s database, Breeze, to send an email to every member.
      • The email will have a link to a ballot form.
      • Members will complete the ballot by entering their name/email and pushing the button for yes, no, or abstain on each measure or candidate.
      • After voting, member presses submit and Breeze will verify receipt of ballot
      • Voting cutoff is 10am Tuesday, June 6th. After the deadline, results will be tallied and emailed out.
    • Slate of new board members*
      • Evin Aksay, Trish Neitzel, Virginia Quimby, Karen Stratton.
      • Question: Who’s on the committee? Suzanne Riles and Rosie Hamilton.
  • Spencer Ehrman moves and Merridy Daniels seconds the nomination of the slate of board members.
    • Bylaws revision*
      • Question: Is it only in speech circumstances? Answer: Yes
  • Spencerman Ehrman moves and Barbara Hansen seconds the nomination of the bylaw revisions. 
    • Consideration of Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024*
      • Recognizes Mary Usui and the finance committee for support as he took on the Treasurer position.
      • Last year had some savings from vacant staff positions filled by volunteers and generous bequests and gifts. WHUUF also had some members leave for various reasons. The coming year also has a 20,000 unallocated gift.
      • We had $195,000 in pledges, not quite the full budget of $200,000. 
      • Our current admin does not currently need health insurance from us, which is another big savings.
      • Discussion of not paying full dues to UUA. Plan is to pay as if we will pay the whole thing, and then if we have the money, pay the rest, but if we don’t have the money, we won’t make the last payment.
      • Because of bequests and unallocated gifts, we have a $26,000 surplus next year.
      • Tracy hadn’t had a raise since becoming full time and did a lot of work with staff transitions and COVID-19 challenges. This budget recognizes her work with a 10% raise.
      • Committees did not raise their budgets.
      • Other budgets didn’t change much.
      • Capital reserves are currently in flux as we work to upgrade and maintain some aging parts of our facilities. 
      • The small deficit we have in this budget, $5,000, will come out of Operating Reserves at the end of the year.
      • Question (Spencer): Wonders if we should raise rental prices. Answer: Jen is looking at our rates and we are looking to increase that revenue as possible. 
      • Question (Uve): Wants more details about rental incomes. Answer: Woodhaven is about ⅓ of rental income. Others are from other groups that meet each month or memorial services, which fluctuates. Question: Uve wonders if there will be a second ask to fill the $5,000 gap. Answer: We did that last year, and we are hesitant to do that again. Howard is more hopeful new member pledges might create some additional revenue as we’ve had a lot of visitors the past year. Question: Asks for details about being a congregation in good standing. Answer: Paying our dues means we can get grants and loans and a special designation at UUA. Some resources are also available for RE. Howard again is hopeful that we make up the gap later in the year, but if we don’t, we don’t.
      • Question: What’s the status of the previous PPE loan? Answer: The loan was forgiven.
      • Questions about current Operating and Capital Reserves (Suzanne Riles): Howard: Capital Reserves are 46,000. 55,000 is Operating Reserves.
      • Question (Karen Stratton): Can I see the updated financial statement? Answer: Yes, Howard can send it – it’s an open document. Question: Did the budget have any surprises for last year? Answer: No, other than the salaries and capital expenses that came out of the reserves. Howard mentions we have not budgeted for additional contributions to capital reserves, but gifts/bequests could go there.
      • Question (Spencer): Can I see the numbers? Answer: The weekly Eblast has a link to monthly financial statements. Question: What’s the women’s retreat fund? Answer: It’s based on member contributions to that fund for scholarships. Howard adds we’re earning some more interest on some funds we moved from checking to a Vanguard account.
      • Question: Can you tell me the gifts again? Answer: Nordling, Janeen, Deneen, and anonymous. (excuse spellings – it’s all in the budget.)
  • Suzanne Riles moves and Karen Stratton seconds that the Budget appear on the ballot.
    • Closing
      • UU Principles displayed
      • 8th Principle might be adopted
      • Article 2 might make wholesale changes to the principles
      • Closing words
  • Howard Baldwin moves to adjourn the meeting Evin Aksay seconds.
  • Meeting adjourned at 1:17pm


* Items that will be voted on


After the conclusion of the meeting, your ballot will be sent to you via email, and you will have until Tuesday, June 6th at 10am to reply and vote.


Voting Results

Slate of new board members: Yes=55; Abstain=2

Bylaws: Yes=56; Abstain=1

Budget: Yes=55; No=1; Abstain=1


Minutes approved on 6/28/2023