Events Regularly Happening on Wednesdays at WHUUF


Morning Women’s Group

Anyone who identifies as a woman is welcome to join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the coffee room for conversation. We provide memorial services for members when requested.

Contact: Tanya Roundy,

Men’s Group Meet Up is first and third Wednesdays


The Men’s Group is open to new members, and meets at 11:30am on the first and third Wednesdays of the month in the Coffee Room.
Contact Bob McArthur with questions.

Weekly Dungeons & Dragons Group

Wednesdays, 6:00 – 10pm in the Coffee Room or on the patio (weather permitting)

Dungeons and Dragons
Wednesdays in the Coffee Room or on the Patio

Experienced players over the age of 18 welcome; if you’re interested in learning how to play, contact Izzy.
Join forces to hunt monsters and learn spells.

Let Izzy know you’re coming by emailing or messaging.

Board Meetings Are USUALLY on the Fourth Wednesday of the Month at 6:30pm


The Board meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month (usually), and its meetings are open to congregants who would like to attend. WHUUF’s board members discuss topics of importance to the success of our congregation, including being fiscally sound, staying true to our principles and values, and ensuring that we care for our people and our campus.

The congregation votes on a slate of several Board members at our annual meeting held in May or June. Members of the board serve for three years, and their terms are staggered to allow continuity. A youth member, aged 16 to 18, may be elected each year for a one-year term, and is a full voting member of the Board.

To see board meeting minutes or if you have other questions about the Board of Trustees, check in with the admin for the password and then click here.

Board members for FY 24/25 are: Karen Stratton, Board President; Ashley Ulmer, VP; Evin Aksay, Secretary; Howard Baldwin, Treasurer; Hilary Greenebaum, Trish Neitzel, John Riles, Cheryl Rodakowski,

To attend a meeting, contact Karen Stratton.