Chalice Circles are an excellent way to connect meaningfully with others while exploring and clarifying personal values and beliefs. Groups of 6 to 8 people led by a trained facilitator meet for two-hour sessions over a period of several weeks.

Everyone is invited to join a Chalice Circle: the young and the old, new and long-time members, the frequently- and rarely-attending, questioners and those who feel certain of the truth. Chalice Circles are not conversations in the traditional sense, but an opportunity to share and listen deeply.

Chalice Circles are offered periodically during the year; contact the office at or look in the Announcements to see when the next Circles will be offered.

Spring Chalice Circles are Forming!


I would like to invite you to join a Chalice CircleCircles begin the third week of February and run through the first week of June. The deadline for signing up is February 13th.  You can register here.

Chalice Circles create connections through deep listening and opportunities for participants to consider their answers to meaningful questions.  A complete description of the Chalice Circle Format and program can be found here.

I like participating in a Chalice Circle because it gives me an opportunity to practice skills that are important to me, like deep listening, reflection, making connections, and sharing my authentic self. –  A Chalice Circle Participant

The communication encouraged in Chalice circles is for me a truly wonderful and fascinating exploration of my thoughts and opinions, about interesting ideas. Listening to others do the same leads to such profound understanding of our similarities and differences that underpin friendships and fellowship, which I truly cherish. – A Chalice Circle Participant

If you have questions, please email Rev. Tracy at