WHUUF Humanist Discussion Group moving to third Sunday in May.

Meeting in Forest Hall

5/19, 6/16, 7/21

The Humanist group at WHUUF has embarked on a practical and pragmatic journey. Among other things, we explore: the deep body of Humanist thought, what Humanists and Unitarians share in their world view, and how Humanist values can help us build a “good” life without requiring divine guidance or intervention. ALL ARE WELCOME!

What is Humanism?

You can read the Declaration here: <https://humanists.international/policy/declaration-of-modern-humanism/>

Our topics are often announced via the Bulletin Board.

In person in Forest Hall or via zoom (contact Gary J to get login)

Please join us. Childcare is available. Email Liz Hart at DRE@whuuf.org.

Email Tom Needham at needhamtr@gmail.com to ask questions and find out more.