Welcome to the Wheel of Life!


In order to increase our community connections, we are inviting congregants to share important life events in a new section called the Wheel of LifeWe will include news or sorrow or concern: a diagnosis or accident, a surgery, a job loss, upcoming move, death, etc. We will include news of celebration: a child or grandchild being born, a wedding, a milestone anniversary or birthday, a new job, a graduation, etc.

Anyone associated with WHUUF can submit this news to our administrator, Jen Fife-Adams, at admin@whuuf.org. Pieces should be 50 words or less. Photos are welcome.

Many miss the intimacy of sharing important life news during our Sunday services. I hope that the Wheel of Life will help us stay connected to each other’s lives in a similar way with the added advantage of reaching people who are not attending service that day or exposing private information on Youtube.

To see your submission linked to in the next E-blast, please submit to Jen by the previous Wednesday at 2pm. Deadline for the Monthly Update is the Monday before the start of the month.



Prior to retiring and  moving to Brownsville in 2012, I was the WHUUF president and the Building and Grounds chairman. We lived within walking distance and our two children Matthias and Anna grew up with WHUUF. We’re in the country now and I often miss the fellowship. Please pass on good wishes to our friends at WHUUF.

Jim Merzenich and Karen Wilson