Rev. Tracy is Going on a Five Month Sabbatical

Dear WHUUFers,

I am writing to let you know that I will be taking a five month sabbatical from May 6 until October 1. 

Sabbatical leave is considered necessary in ministry. Ministers become depleted without conscious renewal, and they serve less effectively without on-going professional development. My contract, which is the same as most Unitarian Universalist minister contracts, provides for one month of sabbatical leave for each year of service. It can be taken after the fourth year, and at least some must be taken before the 7th year. This is my 8th year.

I took one month of sabbatical last year. However, unlike a typical sabbatical, this leave was needed due to exhaustion after the strain of COVID. It was not, however, a good time for a longer sabbatical. Now is a much better time. WHUUF is doing well and has lots of energy and enthusiasm. The congregation is exploring its future direction, and I will return energized and ready to go there with you.

We have plans to make sure all will go well while I am gone. Our administrator, Jen Fife-Adams, and Religious Education  Director, Liz Hart, will take care of the day to day activities. The Committee on Ministry will serve as the sabbatical committee, and with the Board, will ensure things are happening as they should at a big picture level. Members are Rick Tangeman, Sulima Malzin, Kim Transier, and Diane Freedman.

You will be getting more information about this in the E-blast so keep an eye out for it.

