Become a Member
Privileges of Membership
Commitment to WHUUF offers many opportunities to give, learn and grow. Becoming part of our community connects you with others at WHUUF, and also with the wider world. As a Member, you will be able to vote on issues affecting our community. You will be connected to the Unitarian Universalist Association by way of a free quarterly magazine, “UU World.”
Requirements for Membership (per Fellowship Bylaws)
Members shall consist of those who:
- Are in agreement with the purposes of the organization, as stated in Article I of the Bylaws.
- Have signed the membership roll.
- Are at least 16 years of age.
- Generally have made a financial pledge for the current fiscal year and an identifiable monetary contribution to WHUUF for the current or preceding fiscal year. If this is not possible, then has committed to service within the community – supports an activity and service on one Sunday/month
When you join WHUUF as a Member, your yearly pledge commitment will be pro-rated to a June 30th date. We greatly appreciate whatever level of generosity that works for your budget, as all contributions are important and help make possible our many worthwhile programs, the maintenance of our campus, and the support of our paid staff. That said, it is important to note that no one will be denied Membership due to inability to Pledge.
Where to start
You have visited, attended a number of Sunday Services, met some folks, joined in on a Chalice Circle, or possibly you have gotten involved in a volunteer activity. Whatever led you to WHUUF, you may feel that it is now time for you to make a commitment to yourself and the Fellowship.
Next Steps
Membership is a dynamic process. There are many activities to participate in, groups to join, and opportunities to volunteer your time and talent. Contact the church office at for the next steps toward Membership.