Speaker: Rev. Tracy Springberry

My Religious Faith

The word “faith” and its cousin “belief” are challenging words for many Unitarian Universalists. I will share what I have faith in and what gives me hope when all seems hopeless.

Extending Hospitality to Ourselves

Have you noticed that it is often much easier to be hospitable, kind and welcoming to others than to yourself? Today we will consider the possibility of being genuinely hospitable to ourselves.

Welcoming the Stranger

When we meet people who appear entirely unlike us, who seem to belong to a group that makes them different, or whose appearance is not what we expect, we usually feel uncomfortable. However, our faith calls us to radical hospitality. This dichotomy can be a challenge.

The Beauty of Listening

Most of us were never taught to listen to people’s hearts and souls. Many of us are rarely listened to so deeply that what is true about ourselves and lives comes flowing out. Listening is one way to experience the beauty that is in each of us.

The Beauty and Power of Water

Come celebrate WHUUF’s traditional homecoming with water communion. Please bring water from a place that has been important to you in the last year or symbolizes a state of being or event.

Reconsidering Identity

As WHUUF begins the process of renewing its Welcoming Congregations Status, Rev. Tracy Springberry will discuss the ways gender identity is changing.

White Privilege? White Supremacy Culture? What is That?

Twenty years after the UUA declared itself an anti-racist, anti-oppression organization, the leadership is still nearly all white men. How is it that an organization made up of people who care passionately about diversity and ending racism and oppression is still led by white people? The answers lead us into the mysteries of privilege and culture that we cannot see. It’s time to learn more about it. Black Lives Unitarian Universalists have asked all UU congregations to devote a Sunday service this spring to these issues in response to the recent conflict at the UUA about hiring practices.

The Earth Who Makes our Lives Possible

Once upon a time, the Earth was alive and people had a relationship with her, but Western philosophy slowly and surely reduced her to dirt and resources. How do we build a real and meaningful relationship with Earth?