Celebrate Earth Day!
The Earth gives us Life. How do we transform ourselves and our culture so that we truly appreciate this truth each hour of our lives?
The Earth gives us Life. How do we transform ourselves and our culture so that we truly appreciate this truth each hour of our lives?
We seek to heal our brokenness and become whole. We seek to become more loving people. We seek peace, joy, and happiness. How does transformation happen?
How might the practice of humility enrich our lives and lives of others?
The word ‘humility’ is related to the word humus or earth. To be humble is to be grounded in what we are and what we are not. It is to laugh at our mistakes, to hear those who are not ourselves, and to feel … read more.
Generosity is a profound expression of love. In our private lives we are nearly always generous with our time and resources to those we love. But what does it mean to be generous to institutions or to those we do not know? Today is the kick off of our Stewardship drive. What if giving to WHUUF was not an obligation or a contribution to paying our institutional bills, but a way to express your love and commitment to our mission and importance in the wider community?
Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith, not a doctrinal faith. For us, how we walk together to discover depth and meaning in our lives, is more important than what each of us discovers individually on this walk.
The idea that we should only act when it will make a positive difference is a message of white culture. It is one that can paralyze white progressives. What might be a better grounding for working for justice?
At WHUUF and other UU congregations, white voices and stories are most commonly heard from the pulpit. In this service we will listen to the words of Black Unitarian Universalists. This is a celebration of our shared commitment to live into a new chapter in the story of our UU faith. Stay afterwards for the first film and discussion segment of Race: the Power of Illusion , offered by our Racial Justice team.
Our evening Christmas Eve service is canceled due to the weather. Stay safe and warm ~ and merry Christmas!
19th century Unitarians created the Christmas that we celebrate today. They gave the holiday the Blessing of Peace, Joy and Hope. Rev Tracy reminds us that we need these today.