Poetry in Unitarian Universalism
What is the purpose of traditional sacred text and how did poetry become one of ours?
In person, live streamed, and recorded.
What is the purpose of traditional sacred text and how did poetry become one of ours?
In person, live streamed, and recorded.
How does the non-human world become worthy of our deep connection and care? We will also be welcoming and celebrating our latest Members as several folks sign our book.
In person, live streamed, and recorded.
People hate uncertainty. Some of us would rather endure physcal pain than extended periods of uncertainty. No matter what the future looks like on this post-election Sunday, this service will provide care and calm.
In person, live streamed, and recorded.
We will celebrate our traditional service remembering our Beloved dead. Please bring photographs of your beloved dead to place on the altar. Photos of pets are welcome. Our Choristers will also support us in this remembrance.
In person, live streamed, and recorded.
We feel as if we were individual beings with tight boundaries, but biologically this is not true. Is it possible to transform our experience so we feel our inter-being with all of life?
In person, live streamed, and recorded.