The Straw Poll on UUA Article 2 Revision is closed and the votes have been tallied! (Drum roll please.)
Of the 62 votes cast, 22 (35%) were in favor of the revision and 40 (65%) against. Because WHUUF is entitled to have 3 delegates at June’s General Assembly (GA), we will have 3 votes on the revision as it is presented there. Our results happen to align quite well with a breakdown of 2 votes against and 1 vote for the revision.
As part of the poll members had the opportunity to indicate that they would be willing to attend (online) the GA in June. Two of the respondents indicated that they would vote no: Merridy McDaniel and Gary Joaquin. One of the respondents indicated that she would vote yes: Sara Blackthorne. These people have been appointed by the Board to be our delegates to the business sessions of the GA. If you have any questions, please call John Riles, President of the Board at (503)358-0993.