Arts and Aesthetics Team

Have you ever looked around the sanctuary and thought, wow, I wonder who makes all these great art shows happen? It’s the Arts and Aesthetics Team! They choose and hang the art for each show, and they introduce us to the art and the artist/s at an opening reception! They also maintain the permanent collections of the Fellowship.

Contact: Chair Evin Aksay,    



Auction Team

The auction is our annual autumn fundraiser with an emphasis on fun! Our team puts together a wonderful and varied catalogue every year. Popular items include gift cards to local businesses, handmade art pieces, theater performances, themed dinners, homemade meals delivered, vacation packages at great locations around our beautiful state, and much more. And the finale is always a great party! If this sounds like fun, please consider contacting Beth or Gary to find out how you can get involved.

Contacts: Beth Johnstone / Gary Joaquin

Book Group: Through the shared interest of reading books together, we strengthen our friendships and sense of community at WHUUF. Everyone is very welcome to join us monthly on the third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00pm. Check the Announcements for our current read!

Contact: Tanya Roundy,

Buddhists meet at 9:00am on Sundays for discussion and meditation. New participants welcome!

Contact: Karen Van Hoy,


Establishes priorities and facilitates maintenance, repairs, and improvements to the premises of WHUUF and coordinates the efforts of volunteers.

Contact: Rick Tangeman

Bulletin Board is our community email group used to share events, announcements, and items for sale or to give away. It is NOT a back-and-forth discussion group; if that’s what you want, please join our Facebook group, WHUUF Community Connections. For more info on Bulletin Board, click here.


Care Choir: The Care Choir sings occasionally in small groups for those who are housebound. Contact Kera Magarill at (720) 210-8481 for more information.



Having a tough time? CareNet is here for you! We provide support to folks in times of need with personal services such as home visits, meals, and transportation, as well as referrals to community services.

Want to help provide care and support for your fellow WHUUFers? We welcome new members!

Got ideas for how we can support folks better? CareNet is always open to suggestions from the WHUUF community about how we can better meet the needs of our fellowship. Drop us a line at

Pastoral Care: Rev. Tracy Springberry,

CareNet Volunteer Coordinator:

Chalice Circles are offered periodically. These small groups (6-8 people) meet biweekly for a few months to explore ideas related to our Sunday Service themes. Watch for announcements of them in the E-Blast and Sunday Announcements that accompany the Order of Service.

Contact: Rev. Tracy Springberry,

Choristers is our wonderful performing choral group. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7pm. New singers are always welcome!

Contact: Music Director John Boelling,

Climate Crisis Action Group: We’re taking on climate change at the grassroots level and answering the question “What can we save now?” We will explore ways to weave earth-friendly practices into our lives now–at WHUUF, at home, and in the wider world.

Contacts: Jean Trygstad at or Janet Liu at


Family Ministry Committee

We plan religious education curriculum and events for families.


Evin Aksay

Izzy Hart

Finance Committee

Provides fiduciary oversight for the organization. Responsible for giving input to budgeting, special financial projects, insurance, and planning. Ensures that an audit occurs.

Contact: Cheryl Anselone,

Grounds Team

Did you know that it’s your fellow WHUUFers, along with volunteers from the Woodhaven School, that keep our amazing grounds beautiful and healthy? It’s a big job, and the Grounds Team can always use more help. Whether you’re a master gardener or you don’t know a blackberry from a begonia, you’re very welcome to join us! It’s a great way to get outside, get some exercise, learn more about invasive plants and how to keep our native plants healthy, and meet new people! Tools are available, but you can bring your own if you prefer.

Work days are every Thursday from 10am – noon. Work parties are every third Saturday. There’s no commitment; you’re welcome to come whenever you’re able.

Contact: Alisa Joaquin at

Hospitality Team

Our goal is to increase the hospitality at WHUUF for everyone from first-time visitors to longtime members. If you’d like to help make sure everyone with an open mind and a loving heart feels genuinely welcome at WHUUF, please join us!

We need volunteers to be hosts on Sunday morning! We offer training and we’ll pair you up with a co-host. Plus, it’s a quick job! Hosting duties begin at about 10:10am and conclude when the service ends and most folks have left the Sanctuary. Easy and fun!

Contacts: Annie Vigileos at and Hilary Greenbaum at


Meeting 3rd Sundays at 9AM

The Humanist group at WHUUF has embarked on a practical and pragmatic journey. Among other things, we explore: the deep body of Humanist thought, what Humanists and Unitarians share in their world view, and how Humanist values can help us build a “good” life without requiring divine guidance or intervention. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Email Tom Needham at to ask questions and find out more. Childcare may be available. Email Liz at


Kitchen Keepers  

First Monday of every month, 10:00-11:30am

The Kitchen Keepers meet once a month and take pride in spiffing up not just the kitchen, but the Sanctuary, Forest Hall, and the Coffee Room, too. They make us look good! 

Anyone is welcome to join! This group steps up and does what they notice needs done – straightening the hymnals, cleaning blinds, wiping kitchen counters, etc. Meet us in the kitchen! We’ll be glad to welcome you!

Contact: Tita Lyons,

Men’s Group

We have multiple groups for men and masc-leaning folks at WHUUF. Information about two of our official groups is below. We also rent to groups who support men in recovery and what it means to be a man in the 21st Century. To find out more about those groups, check out our rentals lists hanging outside of the Sanctuary and Forest Hall doorways.

Music Team

We plan the music for upcoming services.

Contact: Karen Stratton,


Social Justice is the expression of our Unitarian Universalist faith and values. The Social Justice Community works to connect the WHUUF fellowship with important issues of human rights and environmental protection. We organize, protest, partner with community groups, choose partners for Donate the Basket, and more. Keep an eye out for 2-Minute Actions in the Announcements and E-Blast for easy ways to make a difference!

Contacts: Megan Esler / Wendy Cluse /


Stewardship Team

The Stewardship team assists and enables each person in the WHUUF community to generously give of time, talent, and treasure. We conduct the annual pledge drive. We help build a culture of generosity knowing we are privileged to share what has been given to each of us to protect the earth, honor all life, and serve our neighbors through our faith and fellowship.

Contact: Uwe Neitzel

Sunday Morning Coffee Team: What group builds community, nourishes us all – and puts you closest to the coffee? The Sunday Morning Coffee Team!

Here’s how it works: We’ll train you up. You join the team. Members sign up for the upcoming Sundays that work best for them, two people for each day. It’s fun, it builds community, and it’s a great way to get to know people! We especially invite men to serve. We’re always looking for volunteers!

Contact: Suzanne Riles 


Tech Team

Takes care of technology for Sunday Services and other events. This team is the reason we have livestreaming Sunday services and a YouTube channel, so our services are accessible to all!

Contact: Rick Tangeman

Women’s Groups

Daytime Group:

Anyone who identifies as a woman is welcome to join us on the second and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 10:00am in the Coffee Room for conversation on any and all topics. We provide receptions for church member memorial services when requested.

Contact: Tanya Roundy,


Evening Women’s Group

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Acorn Room during the school year.

We’re back on Monday, September 16th!

We will use the monthly worship themes (the topics addressed in our Sunday services and Chalice Circles) as we connect with each other and explore how we can live more fully into our values. We will take turns facilitating the meetings, and include a short centering meditation and a song.

If you identify as a woman, please join us!

More info:  Kim Transier

WHUUF Writers Group meets the first and third Fridays each month from 1:00-3:00
This group is open to all WHUUFers with writing interests; memoir, poetry, short story, fan fiction, pieces of longer projects, nonfiction. We offer support, encouragement, comments, and friendship.
Contact our admin if you’re interested in leading.

Young Families

WHUUF’s young families group meets for dinner, community, and conversation the first and third Wednesday of the month. If you have kids under 18, please join us!  We offer a vegetarian dinner for all, and childcare is provided during parent conversation. RSVPs are requested.

Contact: Liz Hart,