youth hand chalice 2

As UU children become UU youth, their programming structure changes. Youth have more input on their program as they mature. Emphasis is on team-building and beginning to explore religious and justice concepts on a higher level of thinking. There is a greater emphasis on social and bonding time so that the kids want to participate. We continue to focus on what it means to be a UU, and with that knowledge, look at beliefs held by other faiths. We consider how we can make the world a better place, and how we can be a better part of our community. Youth have a chance to be involved with youth council, the WHUUF board, and to develop leadership skills by modeling our values for the younger children.

Youth in services

WHUUF youth have unique opportunities to be involved with speaking during Sunday Services and helping run Sunday services as they are interested and able.

Every 1st Sunday of the month and during All Ages services, youth at WHUUF have designated seating to witness and be part of Sunday services to normalize the rhythm of a service and expose them to our larger concepts and traditions as discussed through the Sunday service topics. 

Youth Dungeons & Dragons and Youth Group (happens during school year) for 6 – 12th graders

2nd and 4th Sundays. Youth will create adventuring heroes and go on quests for climate justice that incorporate our UU values.

Coming of Age (COA) 

Coming of Age is offered to 12th graders as they transition to the world of adulthood. This program allows youth a chance to really look at what they believe and to create (and read publicly) their own credo statement. There are several opportunities to “dig deep” and learn about themselves and their place in our community. More information is available each year the program is offered.