WHUUF’s mission is to plant seeds of inspiration, grow in compassionate community, and bloom in service to the wider world. Here is a list of volunteer opportunities at WHUUF that fulfill its mission. You are invited to find a way to engage that grows your heart, mind, and spirit and lets you offer your best self in service.

Are you interested in:

Supporting our Next Generation

RE teaching
RE events
Childcare at events
Donate toys or books
Sponsor a game/movie/pancake event
Read a children’s book out loud at our services (Time for All Ages)
Please contact our Director of Religious Education at DRE@whuuf.org to learn more!

Coffee Team

Volunteer for coffee hour
Bring a snack at coffee hour
Stay late and help clean up.
Learn how to use our dishwasher.
Please contact Suzanne Riles to learn more!

hands of different colors meeting in a circleLeadership/Guidance

Join a committee.
Join to help the organizers of an event.
Lead or support one of the weekly groups.
Coordinate volunteers.
Join the Board of Trustees (requires that you become a member first)
Join our Finance Committee.
Share your Human Resources expertise.
Help us raise funds.
Please contact Uwe Neitzel on our Leadership Development Committee to learn more!

Auction Support 

  • Help organize and carry out the Auction
  • Donate items or events to the Auction
  • Sign up to bid during Auction week in October
Please contact our Auction Leads to find out more.

Grounds, Facilities, Technology

Work on the grounds. (Reach out to our Grounds Team to ask questions.)

Help to fix things that are broken.
Talk with contractors.
Learn how to manage cranky older systems.
Learn the tech stuff for services
Help support our computers.
Support our internet.
Help clean, straighten up, organize.
Please contact Rick Tangeman to learn more about any of these areas.

Help with our Services and our Pastoral Support

Help plan a service.
Lay leadership (help run our services).
Join or lead one of our chalice circles.
Do you have a pastoral background and want to bring that service to WHUUF?

Please contact Rev. Tracy Springberry to learn more. In her absence, reach out to our Administrator and she will put you in touch with the folks who can help you learn the ropes!


Lead music during service
Join the Choristers (choir).

Do you play an instrument and you’re willing to share that during a service or other events?

Please contact Karen Stratton to learn more.

Seeking Hosts to Welcome Folks on Sundays!

WHUUF is looking for Hosts for Sunday morning services. If you’re new, it’s a great way to meet people. And if you’re a longtime member, it’s a lot of fun to be able to welcome new folks and old friends alike! 

We offer training and we’ll pair you up with a co-host. Plus, it’s a quick job! Hosting duties begin at about 10:10am and conclude when the service ends and most attendees have left the Sanctuary. Easy and fun!

For more info, please contact Hilary Greenebaum.

Art & Aesthetics

Organize art exhibits.
Bring flowers.
Decorate the Sanctuary for the Holidays.

Help with Artist Receptions.

Please contact arts@whuuf.org to learn more.


Support WHUUFers who need help.

Give someone a ride to or from service, an event, a doctor’s appointment, shopping.

Donate to help a WHUUFer in trouble.

Volunteer to clean someone’s home, help them in their garden, or to find repair people.

Support folks when they need extra help.

Be a good listener.

Please contact our Carenet Team to learn more.

Support folks in the wider world who need help.

Do work with the Western Farmworkers.
Support our environmental work.
Create two minute actions that WHUUFers can easily take.
Host a table for folks to learn more about social justice issues.
Please contact our Social Justice Community to learn more.

Is there something you don’t see but you would love to support? Do you lead an area at WHUUF that could use more help?
Please contact our Admin with your suggestions.