WHUUF’s mission is to plant seeds of inspiration, grow in compassionate community, and bloom in service to the wider world. Here is a list of all the groups at WHUUF that fulfill its mission. You are invited to find a way to engage that grows your heart, mind, and spirit and lets you offer your best self in service.


Plant Seeds of Inspiration 

Arts and Aesthetics

Coordinates, arranges, and plans bi-monthly art shows. Responsible for the selection of art submitted for exhibition and for the permanent collections of the Fellowship. Coordinates the visual ambiance of WHUUF.

Contact: Evin Aksay & Anita Clark, arts@whuuf.org


Book Group

Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:30pm in Forest Hall to discuss a book. Click here to see what they’re reading.

Contact: Tanya Roundy, troundy@gmail.com


Buddhist Meditation

A chance to read and reflect on Buddhist contemporary writings, sit in quiet and share our lives.

Facilitators:  whuufsangha@yahoo.com


Chalice Circles

Chalice Circles is a group practice of listening and reflecting our lives. Circles convene twice a year for 8-week sessions. People are needed to organize the sessions and facilitate as well as participate.

Contact: Rev. Tracy Springberry, minister@whuuf.org



Perform at one Sunday service a month and have a great time doing it. Singers are always needed. Rehearsals every Thursday at 7pm for most of the year except summer.

Director: John Boelling, jboelling@hotmail.com


Children/Youth Religious Education Pathways Religious Growth and Learning

Provides all aspects of religious education for children and youth. Involves parents and Members in policy and curriculum planning and in sharing their skills and time with the RE classes and activities.

Contact: dre@whuuf.org


Sunday Services/Worship Team  

Plans and directs the Sunday Services.

Contact: Rev. Tracy Springberry, minister@whuuf.org


Writing Group

Offers feedback to improve writing and encouragement to continue.

Contact: Cleone Hawkinson, cleonehawk@comcast.net



Thursdays in the Sanctuary,1-2 pm.

Geared toward strength, calm, balance and flexibility, beginner-friendly but challenging. You will make progress at your own pace. Some yoga props are available to borrow. Suggested donation is $15-20; however, no one will be turned away. Arrive by 12:45 to set up and socialize. If interested, contact Nicole Adami at yogaananda1@gmail.com.


Grow in Compassionate Community

Community Building and Fun

Family Camp

The WHUUF Family Retreat/Camp is an annual opportunity for young WHUUFers and their older people to spend time together playing, sharing, and enjoying the great outdoors.

Contact: dre@whuuf.org


Group Soup

Everyone is invited to stay for soup and conversation after Sunday service on (usually) the fourth Sunday of the month. Soups from All in the Soup Together..Four Seasons of Recipes and Reflection, which was inspired by WHUUF’s before Covid Group Soup. Usually both meat-based and vegetarian options are available. Donations are always welcome, but never required. Just come and enjoy our time together!

 Each month a veggie soup and a meat soup are on the menu, accompanied by good conversation and camaraderie.
While donations are appreciated, they are never required, and more help in the kitchen is always gratefully accepted … setting up, serving, and (of course) loading & unloading the dishwasher. Let Sulima Malzin know at sulimama@gmail.com, if you’d like to join the crew.


Group Soup: Sulima Malzin, sulimama@gmail.com


Men’s Group

The Men’s Group is open to new members.

Contact: Howard Baldwin (baldwin.howard@gmail.com) or Spencer Ehrman (spencer.ehrman@gmail.com)


Women’s Group

Join the women of WHUUF for some friendly open-ended chatting followed by discussion of selected topic. Takes place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the Coffee Room

Contact: Tanya Roundy, troundy@gmail.com


Women’s Retreat

An annual event for WHUUF women/femmes and friends. This event is for sharing, learning, reflecting, relaxing, and playing.

Contact: Molly divine


Young Families

WHUUF’s young families group meet for dinner, community and conversation several times a month. You are welcome to join if you consider yourself part of a young family. Childcare is provided during parent conversation. RSVPs are requested.

Contact: Liz Hart, dre@whuuf.org


Community Care and Hospitality


Provides support to individuals in times of need with personal services such as home visits, meals, transportation. Makes referrals to community services. CareNet is always open to suggestions from the WHUUF community for CareNet needs of the congregation.

Pastoral Care: Rev. Tracy Springberry, minister@whuuf.org

CareNet Volunteer Communicator: carenet@whuuf.org


Coffee Team

Helps to make and clean up the tea and coffee after services

Contact: Trish Neitzel, trishneitzel@gmail.com


Hospitality Collective

Its goal is to increase the hospitality at WHUUF for everyone from visitors to Members. Hosts pass out Orders of Service and collect the offering at Sunday Services as well as welcoming newcomers and others who need information.

Contact: Annie Vigileos (anniekv3@yahoo.com) and Hillary Greenbaum (hilarygreenebaum@gmail.com)


Tech Team

Takes care of technology for Sunday Services.

Contact: Rick Tangeman, ricktan@protonmail.com


Making WHUUF Happen


An annual fundraiser with emphasis on fun! Enjoy good fellowship while bidding on dinners, events, or entertainment.

  • Help organize and carry out the Auction
  • Donate items or events to the Auction
  • Sign up to bid during Auction week in October

Contact: Beth/Gary auction@whuuf.org



Establishes priorities and facilitates maintenance, repairs, and improvements to the premises of WHUUF and coordinates the efforts of volunteers.

Contact: Rick Tangeman, ricktan@protonmail.com



Provides fiduciary oversight for the organization. Responsible for giving input to budgeting, special financial projects, insurance, and planning. Ensures that an audit occurs.

Contact: Cheryl Anselone, canselone@comcast.net



Volunteers meet at WHUUF to keep our grounds beautiful and healthy, and they are happy to have new volunteers! Tools are available, but you can bring your own if you prefer.

Contact: Alisa Joaquin, ajredrobin@comcast.net


Kitchen Keepers  

Provides overall care of the facilities, including minor repairs, ordering supplies, and housekeeping at monthly work party.

Contactmailto:admin@whuuf.org the Admin to find out more.


Leadership Development Team

Helps develop leaders and nominates people for Board and other roles.

Reach out to Rev. Tracy with questions, minister@whuuf.org


Stewardship Team

The Stewardship team assists and enables each person in the WHUUF community to generously give of time, talent, and treasure. We conduct the annual pledge drive. We help build a culture of generosity knowing we are privileged to share what has been given to each of us to protect the earth, protect all life, and serve our neighbors through our faith and fellowship.

Contact: Uwe Neitzel


Bloom in Service to the Wider World

Compassion for Earth Exchange

Educates and engages WHUUF’s community on issues of the environment and climate change.

Contact: Jean Trygstad,   trygstadjm07@gmail.com


Gender and Sexuality Equity Team

Educates and engages WHUUF’s community on issues of Gender and Sexuality Equity.

Contact: Annie Vigileos, anniekv3@yahoo.com


Social Justice Community

Social Justice is the expression of our Unitarian Universalist faith and values. The Social Justice Committee works to connect the WHUUF fellowship with important issues of human rights and environmental protection.

Contact: Wendy Cluse, wendycluse@gmail.com


Help Make WHUUF Happen!

Looking for New Members to Join the AV Team!

Have you ever wondered what is involved in running the media and video cameras during the Service? Would you like to learn?
Or maybe you’re someone who does better at the Service having something to do?
The AV Team is looking for folks who are interested in learning how to run the video cameras and media during our Services.
Curious? Contact Rick Tangeman at ricktan@protonmail.com or stop by to chat with him before or after a Service!

Parking Parking Parking

from Wikimedia Commons

Good News: so many people coming on Sundays! Bad News: not enough parking. We have finally gotten to that time post-pandemic when parking has become a challenge again! A limited survey of experienced WHUUFers has offered these tips:

  • When coming to services or special events, limit yourself to one car per family.
  • Try to carpool.
  • Walk, bike, rollerblade here/take public transportation/take a car hire.
  • Get here early. Those facing mobility challenges should plan to arrive no later than 10 – 10:15am for services.
  • Park offsite on Washington Drive or other side streets in the area.

If you have good suggestions on how we can improve the parking situation or want to work on a “Parking Ministry,” please contact the office at admin@whuuf.org.

Volunteer Religious Education Teachers Needed!

Volunteer at WHUUF
Be a grandparent to our little ones in the nursery
Become the cool auntie or uncle for the kids in elementary
Help teens transition to adulthood
1 Sunday commitment per month
Contact:  to sign up


Seeking Hosts to Welcome Folks on Sundays!

WHUUF is looking for Hosts for Sunday morning services. If you’re new, it’s a great way to meet people. And if you’re a longtime member, it’s a lot of fun to be able to welcome new folks and old friends alike! 

We offer training and we’ll pair you up with a co-host. Plus, it’s a quick job! Hosting duties begin at about 10:10am and conclude when the service ends and most attendees have left the Sanctuary. Easy and fun!

For more info, please contact Hilary Greenebaum.

Get Connected! Get Involved!hands of different colors meeting in a circle

Want to help make WHUUF happen – and build friendships while you serve others? Small groups and committees are where the action is! Keep reading – you’ll find several groups looking for members! You can find a full list of WHUUF’s small groups and committees online.