The congregation votes on a slate of several Board members at our annual meeting held in May or June. Members of the board serve for three years, and their terms are staggered to allow continuity. A youth member, aged 16 to 18, may be elected each year for a one-year term, and is a full voting member of the Board.

The Board meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month (usually), and its meetings are open to congregants who would like to attend. When requested in advance, a 15-minute period is included in the agenda to address ideas or concerns of Members.

To see board meeting minutes or if you have other questions about the Board of Trustees, check in with the admin for the password and then click here.

Board members for FY 24/25 are: Karen Stratton, Board President; Ashley Ulmer, VP; Evin Aksay, Secretary; Howard Baldwin, Treasurer; Hilary Greenebaum, Trish Neitzel, John Riles, & Cheryl Rodakowski