Chalice Circles are an excellent way to connect meaningfully with others while exploring and clarifying personal values and beliefs. Groups of 6 to 8 people led by a trained facilitator meet for two-hour sessions over a period of several weeks.

Everyone is invited to join a Chalice Circle: the young and the old, new and long-time members, the frequently- and rarely-attending, questioners and those who feel certain of the truth. Chalice Circles are not conversations in the traditional sense, but an opportunity to share and listen deeply.

Chalice Circles are offered periodically during the year; contact the office at or look in the E-blast to see when the next Circles will be offered.

Winter/Spring 2025 Chalice Circles are Forming

Chalice Circle, a marvelous deep listening program enabling WHUUF members and friends to practice being totally present to each other, resumes this month. This unique format prompts us to reflect upon monthly Sunday service themes, to go deeper, to make new friends, and reconnect with old ones.

Chalice Circles begin meeting during the 3rd week of February. Four Chalice Circle groups comprising up to 10 participants apiece will be formed. Each group will meet for about 90 minutes, twice a month, for a total of 8 sessions.

To get a head start on enrollment while choice spaces are still open, it takes just a moment to complete this Enrollment Form.

If your questions are not answered by this Chalice Circle program summary presented during this Sunday service last fall, please contact me via email.

Chalice Circle Facilitator