pic in office

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic Religious Education at West Hills UU Fellowship (WHUUF), and Unitarian Universalism in general, is shifting and evolving.

The purpose of our Religious Education program is for children and youth to understand Unitarian Universalism, explore ways to express and live Unitarian Universalist values and to gain religious literacy about a variety of faiths. One of our goals is growing compassionate people who honor the inherent worth and dignity of all people.

We want our children to make friends and feel a part of the larger congregational community. We intentionally create activities and events for multigenerational groups. This is important because congregations offer one of the only multigenerational communities left in our society. We welcome children and youth in the sanctuary during the Sunday Service. There are activity kits in the back of the sanctuary and downstairs in the Coffee Room.

Our religious education program generally meets two or more Sundays each month during the service (10:30-11:45). You can find out the schedule by emailing dre@whuuf.org and asking to be put on the WHUUF families list.

Children love coming to WHUUF. We are surrounded by woods and have a fun play structure that entices them outside in all weather.

We offer OWL (Our Whole Lives, a sexuality education program) and Coming of Age (a self-identity, credo-development program) when it is feasible.

If you’d like to contact our Director of Religious Education, please email dre@whuuf.org.