circle in the woods (2)

There are many ways to connect at WHUUF. Here are some of them:

~ Come on downstairs after the Sunday service for a cup of coffee or tea.

~ Feeling shy about meeting people? Consider volunteering to hand out the Sunday bulletins or serving coffee as a way to say hello to people you don’t know (the sign-up clipboard can be found downstairs in the “Coffee Room” after the service each Sunday).

~ Join one (or more!) of the groups and committees that keep WHUUF running: Kitchen Keepers, Choristers, Arts and Aesthetics Team, the Women’s Gathering, Buildings & Grounds, WHUUF Young Families, Social Events, Tuesday Afternoon Book GroupSocial Justice, Eldertopia, or one of our Adult RE groups. Learn more about any of these groups by talking with the person at the desk in the foyer on Sundays, or by contacting the church office at or 503-246-3351.

~ Questions? Contact us.